Sunday, December 9, 2007

Theres a reason love is blind.... Camille Story (take one)

Camille had a tshirt once. She has always been fearful of what hearts can do so she put it on her sleeve so she could keep a close eye on it. Unfortunatly for her, she doesnt have eyes and after meeting the first boy who loved her and begged her for her heart, she gave it to him. They loved each other very much, so much that the butterflies that started out very small in their bellies when they met, grew bigger and slipped out when they spoke of love. Some time later Camille went to see him and saw him with another girl. She cried and cried until she drowned herself in her own ocean of tears. At that same moment her heart broke, and the first butterfly that was born out of their love lost its wings and fell. A boy came by on a boat, startled that there was a body of water he had never seen and suddenly saw she was in trouble. He faught off the piranhas and sharks that were attacking her and her already broken heart and brought both onto his boat. They became very good friends and had a lot of fun together. Until one day, this boy asked her for her heart and told her that he loved and understood her and that maybe she could love him too. Camille said she couldnt and gathered the pieces of her heart that she was able to salvage and ran away. When Camille left Boy, the butterfly became the broken hearted Caterpillar as it was given a new life once its heart saw that love could grow again. Most of the love that Caterpillar had when he was a beautiful butterfly was lost with his wings but the little bit that remained, remained ever so broken. So broken, that he can never stop crying. Camille knew deep down that she loved Boy but she was too afraid of love to stay with him. She was too afraid of feeling bad again, now that she had begun to feel ok. Camille had walked very far and returned to the place where she first began to cry. Many weepingwillows had grown there during the time she was gone and she sat under a very beautiful one. She began to cry becasue she missed her new friend and her tears fed the weeping willow until bird began to sing. He came down from the tree to sing to her, as he knew that sometimes singing can help ease a broken heart. Camille sent bird to Boy but he didnt know it was Camille who sent him. This same wellmeaning boy sent her three letters, bird delivered them. The first one said "Darling Camille, where are you? love, Boy and his Boat", the second one said, "Darling Camille, please find me because i cant find you. love, Boy and his Boat", the third one said "Darling Camille, i have to go away now. love, Boy and his Boat". Each letter contained so much love that the when Boy sealed the envelope, a small heart appeared on the paper. Camille knew he would have to go away eventually because she knows about love. Camille knows one tries so hard to wait but sometimes it hurts very much and one cannot bear such pain. Camille has felt pain before and she knew that the pain one feels when one loves someone who is far away, is much better than the pain one feels when one doesnt have them at all anymore. She waited for him. But he has not yet returned. Perhaps this is because he doesnt truly know how much she really cares for him.


Anonymous said...

you are the superhero you know you are.

Anonymous said...

haha, i dont think im a superhero. may i ask who this is?

Anonymous said...

you told me once you felt like a god damned super hero.

camille is.

what else would this be?

Anonymous said...

it's a compliment!

saving lives.
oh yeah.

Anonymous said...

is this janean or corinne?

Anonymous said...

p.s. thanks for the compliment.

Anonymous said...


you're welcome!

Anonymous said...

i have more if you want.

Unknown said...

Est-ce que Camille veut aller à San Francisco ?